The Ancients gave up their existence for us.
They left us clues how they can come back.
We owe it to them to restore them.
What is Elrakis
You are the head of a mighty House. Having laid claim on a Mothership of The Ancients it is up to you how you choose to apply your influence. The universe is always moving, changing, reacting. What is true one day may be different the next.
Will you wage war on the other Prime Species for the glory of yours, are you going to be a key manufacturer and industrialist supreme, or are you the Chosen One to fulfill the prophecy and bring back The Ancients?
The choice is yours.

Latest News
Development Update 4: Our Discord server is open for business!
Even though the release of Elrakis is still months away (just being honest here!) we have opened up a Discord server for all of you to hang out and discuss the game.
The Game's Designer, Mike van Riel, is ever present and probably is hard to shut up about the game when you talk to him about it.
So, given there is no game to play, why open up a Discord server?
Simple! Your feedback is important not just to us, but more importantly to the game! Every suggestion, piece of criticism and question contribute to making this a game worth playing, a game worth enjoying. And what better way to voice your opinion than using a Discord!
Development Update 3: Customizing ships with Modules
Each ship in Elrakis can be modified by adding modules onto them; these modules will give advantages and some may also have a disadvantage on the functioning of the ship.
Examples of such modules are boosters that can increase the ships speed, armour or firing power. Or even additional crew quarters to ferry people.
The first groundwork to outfit ships with these modules is underway. We have been experimenting with various setups and a proof of concept is on its way.
In the next weeks, we want to make sure this can be used in space battles; so that players can select the best load out for a specific mission, or gain the upper hand on an opponent by selecting a layout which they did not expect.